Usage Policy
Quarters A is restricted to events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments or units) or registered student organizations, as well as UGA community-sponsored events and events arranged by Governmental organizations or agencies, celebrations, such as weddings, and commercial organizations conducting recruiting events.
Quarters A cannot be reserved for ongoing, regularly scheduled academic classes, individual study sessions or for purposes of commercial solicitation.
Reservation requests must submitted at least 12 days before your even in order to ensure setup and staffing needs. Requests submitted after these time periods may be declined.
If your reservation is approved a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to the Quarters A staff (Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
If the University determines in its discretion that a sponsor has participated in such prohibited activities or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information, such sponsor, together with any individual or organization on whose behalf the sponsor is determined to have “fronted,” will have all reservation privileges (including existing future reservations) suspended for a 6-month (consecutive) period- not including summer or break periods.
Request for changes to your reservation can be made online at least 12 business days prior to your event. Our ability to accommodate your request is dependent on the availability of facilities, equipment or personnel.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
Alcohol is allowed only inside Quarters A. Please familiarize yourself with the university’s alcohol policy. Although these guidelines are specifically written for university units, visitors to our campus are expected to follow them as well. A signed alcohol policy form that you will receive from our staff, must be returned to our office as soon as possible or no later than 15 business days prior to the event. The University has the right to deny the use of alcohol at any event for any reason.
Sponsors must cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all event charges or a penalty fee.
The spaces in Quarters A are set to the sponsor’s specifications as long as the requested equipment is available and the reserved facility will accommodate the requested set-up.
Set-up information for meeting rooms and event spaces should be submitted to the appropriate Event Coordinator no later than 6 business days prior to the event. Set up requests submitted after this time period may be declined.
On the day of the event, the sponsoring organization is responsible for ensuring entrances and exits are free from obstructions.
You will have access to a portable projector and a portable screen. Please note that we do require that you bring your own laptop and adapters. Our portable projection system can operate with VGA or HDMI ports.
Food is allowed in Quarters A, but the room must be left clean and trash free. A Facilities Management Division cleaning fee will be assessed for meals or receptions. Smaller food events will be charged a FMD cleaning fee if the room is not left clean by the sponsor.
Outside catering (food brought in by anyone other than Campus Catering, including self-catering) must be approved in advance.
The following items are prohibited in Quarters A: tobacco products, microwaves, any open flame, and animals (except service animals).
Anything that can damage the facilities, including, but not limited to, tacking/nailing, painting, taping, gluing, confetti and glitter, is prohibited. Please discuss decorating ideas with your event coordinator prior to your event.
All events and clean-up must conclude by 11:00 pm on any night. The sponsoring organization or individual is responsible for leaving the facilities they use clean and without damage. The sponsoring organization or individual will be charged for any damage occurring to facilities and equipment during their reservation. Additional clean-up of a facility after an event will result in a clean-up fee.
For any special parking needs or requests, contact Parking Services at 542-7275.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services