Campus Reservations Usage Policies
Usage Policies for Campus Events
Please note the following timeline indicating when groups can reserve space in and around the Tate Student Center, Memorial Hall, Scott Hall and certain other outdoor spaces on campus. Please see the Classroom Reservations page for a timeline to reserve instructional space on campus.
- President’s & Vice President’s Offices – no more than 1 year prior to the date of the event
- Student Affairs Departments – no more than 1 year prior to the date of the event
- Other UGA Departments – no more than 6 months prior to the date of the event
- Student Affairs Advised Registered Student Organizations – no more than 1 year prior to the date of the event
- Registered Student Organizations – no more than 6 months prior to the date of the event
- UGA Community-Sponsored Events – no more than 6 months prior to the date of the event
- Governmental Agencies and Recruitment Events – no more than 3 months prior to the date of the event
- Weddings – no more than 1 1/2 years prior to the date of the event
- Private Celebrations – no more than 1 year prior to the date of the event
Please allow 5 business days to process your request. Requests for meetings or events requiring personnel (security, early building opening, etc.) should be submitted at least 12 business days prior to the event. Requests submitted less than the indicated number of days prior to your requested reservation date may be declined.
UGA events – Consists of events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments, units, or employees on behalf of the University) or registered student organizations for the primary benefit of the University community or an initiative of the University. Reservations for these groups must be requested by members of the registered student organization or University faculty or staff. Attendance is primarily for University faculty, staff, students, and/or Athens-Clarke County residents. Any group of University students seeking to form a registered student organization may make a maximum of three meeting room reservations under this category in the Tate Student Center, for the purpose of recruitment, prior to registering as a student organization. All charges related to a UGA event will be billed to and the responsibility of the requesting University college, department, unit, or registered student organization.
UGA-affiliated events – Consists of events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments, units or employees on behalf of the University) or registered student organizations, but attendance is not limited to University faculty, staff, students, and surrounding Athens-Clarke County residents. A UGA faculty or staff member, or a registered student organization must request the space and serve as the primary contact/planner for all event-related details. All charges related to a UGA-affiliated event will be the responsibility of the requesting University college, department, unit, or registered student organization.
UGA community-sponsored events – Consists of events arranged or sponsored by either (i) individual UGA students or groups of UGA students (other than registered student organizations), or (ii) faculty or staff of the University when not acting on behalf of the University. Attendance for such events is not limited to University faculty, staff, students, and surrounding Athens-Clarke County residents. The individual UGA student or faculty/staff member must request the space and serve as the primary contact/planner for all event-related details. All charges related to a UGA community-sponsored event will be the responsibility of the requesting UGA student or faculty/staff member and be paid prior to the date of the reservation. If you are an individual University faculty, staff, student, or department wishing to sponsor an event under this category, click on the “Make a Reservation” button below and fill out the “Non University-affiliated/UGA Community-Sponsored” request form on the next page.
Governmental events – Consists of events arranged by federal, state and local government agencies or organizations not affiliated with the University of Georgia.
Recruitment events – Consists of events arranged for the University’s students by commercial organizations not affiliated with the University of Georgia, and solely for the purpose of employee recruitment, training, or meetings. All commercial organizations must adhere to the University’s Solicitation Policy. Groups in this category must pay any associated charges prior to date of their reservation.
Weddings/Private Celebrations – Consists of wedding parties and comparable private celebrations. Groups in this category must pay any associated charges prior to date of their reservation.
Other Individuals or Organizations – Individuals or organizations not affiliated with the University or otherwise described in one of the above categories may not reserve campus facilities or space through the CRETS team. Individuals and organizations wishing to reserve space for an event at the University through the CRETS team should seek sponsorship by a University college, department, unit, a registered student organization, or a UGA student or faculty/staff member, therefore becoming a UGA Community-Sponsored event, governed by the relevant guidelines. No affiliate of the University has any obligation to sponsor an outside group or individual seeking to hold an event on the University’s campus.
Tate Student Center, Memorial Hall, non-wedding related UGA Chapel and Quarters A
The Tate Student Center and Memorial Hall are restricted to events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments or units) or registered student organizations, as well as UGA community-sponsored events and events arranged by Governmental organizations or agencies, and commercial organizations conducting recruiting events.
The Tate Student Center, Legion Field, and Memorial Hall cannot be reserved for ongoing, regularly scheduled academic classes, individual study sessions or for purposes of commercial solicitation.
Reservation requests must be submitted online on the Campus Reservations page. Facility requests (requiring no special equipment or personnel) must be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the date of the meeting or event. Requests for large event spaces (Tate Grand Hall, Tate Theatre, Reception Hall, Memorial Hall Ballroom) must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance to secure any special equipment, personnel, services, early building openings, security, etc., that may be needed to support your event. Requests submitted after these time periods may be declined.
If your reservation is approved, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services has the right to limit how long and how often any particular sponsor can make reservations. In the interest of allowing as many groups as possible access to the University’s facilities, regular meetings and rehearsals (ie: weekly or bi-weekly) are limited to 2 days per week with a maximum of 2 hours per day.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to Tate Student Center staff (Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
If the University determines in its discretion that a sponsor has participated in such prohibited activities or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information, such sponsor, together with any individual or organization on whose behalf the sponsor is determined to have “fronted,” will have all reservation privileges (including existing future reservations) suspended for a 6-month (consecutive) period- not including summer or break periods.
Request for changes to your reservation can be made online at least 3 business days prior to your event. Our ability to accommodate your request is dependent on the availability of facilities, equipment or personnel.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
Alcohol is allowed only in indoor spaces. Please familiarize yourself with the university’s alcohol policy. Although these guidelines are specifically written for university units, visitors to our campus are expected to follow them as well. A signed alcohol policy form that you will receive from our staff, must be returned to our office as soon as possible or no later than 15 business days prior to the event. The University has the right to deny the use of alcohol at any event for any reason.
Sponsors must cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all event charges or a penalty fee. A reservation may only be canceled by either sending an email to OR logging back into the reservation system and editing/canceling your reservation. Reservations may not be canceled by a phone call.
University departments – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Facility reservations requested by a university department must be paid for by that department or another university department. Providing a university chart string number constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Registered student organizations – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services reserves the right to require advance payment (full or partial) for events sponsored by organizations that are temporary in nature (ie: political campaign organizations) or events requiring the contracting of non-university services. Facility reservations requested by a registered student organization must be paid for by that student organization or by a university department. Providing a university chart string number constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Non-university organizations (including UGA community-sponsored events) – Payment for facility reservations is due prior to confirmation of that reservation.
For your convenience, we accept payment by University account number, check or debit/credit card. Sponsors with past due invoices will not be allowed to reserve facilities until all delinquent amounts are paid in full. Failure to pay in a timely manner may also result in the cancellation of existing reservations.
Most meeting rooms have a standard set-up. Meeting rooms are not to be altered in any way from their regular set. Failure to leave a room as it was found will result in a reset fee. Special set-ups for meeting rooms with a standard set-up may be requested for events for an additional charge.
Event spaces are set to the sponsor’s specifications as long as the requested equipment is available and the reserved facility will accommodate the requested set-up.
Set-up information for meeting rooms and event spaces should be submitted to the appropriate Event Coordinator no later than 10 business days prior to the event. Set up requests submitted after this time period may be declined.
On the day of the event, the sponsoring organization is responsible for ensuring entrances and exits are free from obstructions.
All of our meeting rooms come with AV and are self-service. A set of instructions are located near the AV equipment in each room on how to use the equipment. If you are in need of assistance during building hours Monday through Friday, a technician will be available to assist. Please note that we do require that you bring your own adapters. Some of our larger event spaces will require technician staff personnel to be scheduled for your event at an additional charge.
Food is allowed in the Tate Student Center and Memorial Hall but the room must be left clean and trash free. A Facilities Management cleaning fee will be assessed for meals or receptions. Smaller food events will be charged a Facilities Management cleaning fee if the room is not left clean by the sponsor.
Outside catering (food brought in by anyone other than Campus Catering, including self-catering) must be approved in advance. Outside and self-caterers will have no access to UGA Food Services’ water, facilities, or equipment.
AMPLIFIED SOUND – Noisy activities
Due to the close proximity of the meeting spaces and the need for many events to coexist at the same time, it is necessary in some cases to limit the use of amplified sound. These limitations are listed below. It may also be necessary to limit particularly noisy activities in the meeting spaces.
Meeting rooms – limited amplified sound allowed (projection equipment)
Reception Hall – limited amplified sound allowed (projection equipment, microphone for speaking, very low music)
Tate Theater – no amplified sound limitation
Grand Hall – sound amplification is subject to the configuration of the room, please speak with your event coordinator about your needs.
Memorial Hall Ballroom – limited amplified sound from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays (projection equipment, microphone for speaking, very low music), no amplified sound limitation after 5 pm on weekdays or on weekends
Based on the nature of the event, security (i.e. security guards and/or UGA Police officers) may be required at the expense of the customer. Requests for security should be made through the CRETS office. Any requests made less than 12 business days will be subject to a $100 late fee.
The following items are prohibited in Tate Student Center and Memorial Hall: tobacco products, microwaves, any open flame, and animals (except service animals).
Anything that can damage the facilities, including, but not limited to, tacking/nailing, painting, taping, gluing, confetti and glitter, is prohibited. Please discuss decorating ideas with your event coordinator prior to your event.
The sponsoring organization or individual is responsible for leaving the facilities they use clean and without damage. The sponsoring organization or individual will be charged for any damage occurring to facilities and equipment during their reservation. Additional clean-up of a facility after an event will result in a clean-up fee.
For any special parking needs or requests, contact Parking Services at 542-PARK(7275).
Adinkra, in the Memorial Hall building, is considered a specialty room that is reserved by Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services. Reservations for this space can only be made one semester at a time. Reservations will become available one month prior to the start of each semester.
The space is a self-service setup room. The room has 15 seminar tables and 50 chairs in the closets. You are responsible for setting up and taking down your own event. The tech in the room is also self-service. If you need additional tables, chairs, or AV assistance, etc., additional charges will apply.
Due to the logistics involved with large events, the staff reserves the right to require the facility be reserved for the entire day (8:00 a.m.-11:59 p.m.) at the expense of the sponsoring organization or individual.
You will be required to send us proof that you have obtained the licenses for any movies or content that you will be showing during your event 10 business days prior to the start of the event. You can visit a licensing agent, such as, to purchase these licenses if you do not already have them. Please note that we do have DVD players in the rooms. Failure to obtain the necessary documentation could result in the cancellation of your event.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Outdoor spaces include Tate Plaza, Tate Lawns (North, Northwest, West, South), Memorial Plaza, & Reed Plaza
Please see the Legion Field usage policy for information specific to that facility.
Reservation requests are submitted online at Facility requests (requiring no special equipment or personnel) should be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the date of the meeting or event. Requests for meetings or events requiring special equipment, personnel, services, or security must be submitted at least 12 business days in advance. Requests submitted after these time periods may be declined. If your reservation is approved, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services has the right to limit how long and how often any particular sponsor can make reservations. In the interest of allowing as many groups as possible access to the University’s facilities are limited to 2 days per week.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to Tate Student Center staff (Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
Request for changes to your reservation can be made online at least 3 business days prior to your event. Our ability to accommodate your request is dependent on the availability of facilities, equipment or personnel.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
Based on the nature of the event, security (i.e. security guards and/or UGA Police officers) may be required at the expense of the customer. Requests for security should be made through the CRETS office. Any requests made less than 10 business days will be subject to a $100 late fee.
Alcohol is allowed in outdoor spaces. Please familiarize yourself with the University’s alcohol policy. Although these guidelines are specifically written for university units, visitors to our campus are expected to follow them as well. A signed alcohol policy form that you will receive from our staff, must be returned to our office as soon as possible or no later than 1 week prior to the event. Student Organizations may not have alcohol at any event located on an outdoor space. The University has the right to deny the use of alcohol at any event for any reason.
Sponsors must cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all event charges or a penalty fee. A reservation may only be canceled by either sending an email to OR logging back into the reservation system and editing/canceling your reservation. Reservations may not be canceled by a phone call.
A confirmation for an Outdoor Event space is considered “rain or shine”. A confirmation for an Outdoor event space does not guarantee an alternative indoor location will be available at the time of booking.
If you would like to cancel your Outdoor event due to the potential of inclement weather, you must do so at least three business days in advance via email. Please contact your event coordinator via email if you would like to make arrangements for an alternative indoor location no more than 2 weeks prior to your existing reservation if available. This policy only applies to Outdoor event spaces. Please see the cancelation polices to for Table Spaces and/or Legion Field.
University departments – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Facility reservations requested by a university department must be paid for by that department or another university department. Providing a university chart string number constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Registered student organizations – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services reserves the right to require advance payment (full or partial) for events sponsored by organizations that are temporary in nature (ie: political campaign organizations) or events requiring the contracting of non-university services. Facility reservations requested by a registered student organization must be paid for by that student organization or by a university department. Providing a university chart string number constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Non-university organizations (including UGA community-sponsored events) – Payment for facility reservations is due prior to confirmation of that reservation.
For your convenience, we accept payment by University chart string number, check or debit/credit card. Sponsors with past due invoices will not be allowed to reserve facilities until all delinquent amounts are paid in full. Failure to pay in a timely manner may also result in the cancellation of existing reservations.
Food can be served in the outdoor event facilities, however, food preparation is prohibited on premises unless conducted by a licensed caterer or approved in advance by the Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services staff.
The sponsoring organization is responsible for cleaning up after their event. Failure to leave the space as it was found may result in a clean-up fee.
You will be required to send us proof that you have obtained the licenses for any movies or content that you will be showing during your event 10 business days prior to the start of the event. You can visit a licensing agent, such as, to purchase these licenses if you do not already have them. Failure to obtain the necessary documentation could result in the cancellation of your event.
Tate Plaza/Stage entitles an organization to the use of the stage and the open area/walk space in front of the stage. Sound equipment, furniture, clean up, and security are available at an additional cost.
Tate Stage Dimensions: 12 feet wide by 22 feet long.
Electrical access: One electrical outlet is available for use on the stage. The outlet is located on the side of the stage closest to the Bookstore.
Amplified sound policy: Amplified sound is allowed on the Tate Stage & Plaza. Sound reinforcement of live music may not include 18″ subwoofers, long throw speakers, or heavy percussion including large drums and heavy bass. In compliance with section 3-5-24 of the Athens-Clarke County Code of Ordinances, any event occurring outdoors must not utilize amplified sound past 11:00 p.m. Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services reserve the right to restrict/deny the use of or turn off any amplified sound system that interferes with the normal operations of the surrounding areas and buildings.
Equipment, furniture, clean up, and security are available at an additional cost. Tents are permitted on the lawns but cannot be staked into the ground due to potential damage to the irrigation system. Weights, such as sandbags, are a good alternative for securing tents.
The use of confetti is prohibited on UGA grounds.
Here are some confetti alternatives to use during your event:
Flower petals: Flower or rose petal confetti is a great alternative to paper or plastic confetti that will make for absolutely gorgeous photos while also keeping our campus clean.
Plant or birdseeds: Seeds are an eco-friendly option that can either lead to more flowers being planted or provide a snack for local birds.
Vanishing confetti: You can take the DIY route by creating this vanishing confetti that disappears when it gets wet.
Amplified sound policy: Amplified sound is not allowed on North, Northwest, & West Lawn.
Electrical access: Electrical access is not available on North, Northwest, & West Lawn.
Amplified sound policy: Amplified sound is not allowed on South Lawn.
Electrical access: One electrical outlet is available for use on South Lawn. The outlet is located to the east side of the lawn by the parking deck stairwell.
Memorial Plaza is located outside the Hooper St. side of Memorial Hall.
Amplified sound policy: Low volume amplified sound is allowed on Memorial Hall Plaza, however, live music is not allowed due to the plaza’s proximity to nearby classroom buildings.
Electrical access: Electrical access is not available on Memorial Plaza.
Reed Plaza is the concrete area located between Memorial Hall and Sanford Stadium.
Amplified sound policy: Low volume amplified sound is allowed on Memorial Hall Plaza, however, live music is not allowed due to the plaza’s proximity to office buildings and a dormitory.
Electrical access: Electrical access is not available on Reed Plaza.
Dunking booths are permitted on Tate and Memorial Plazas only.
Access to water for filling the tank is not available in either of these areas.
Customer will need to locate an off-campus water source.
Dunking booths/tanks are not permitted on football game days.
Dunking booth must be cordoned off sufficiently.
We recommend a rain date be reserved in case of inclement weather.
Loading and unloading of equipment must be coordinated with CRETS staff in advance.
To prevent defacing of University property, the use of chalk to write messages, advertisements, etc. is not allowed in and around the Tate Student Center and Memorial Hall. This includes the sidewalks and walls adjacent to the Tate Student Center, Tate Plaza, Tate Lawns, Memorial Hall, Memorial Plaza, Reed Plaza, and Legion Field and Pool. Any organization identified as having used chalk on the sidewalks, plaza, walls, etc. of these facilities and adjacent areas will be assessed an appropriate clean-up charge and may face organizational sanctions.
Chalk applied to most concrete and brick surfaces is difficult, and in some cases, almost impossible to remove even with pressure washing. Student organizations are advised to check with Campus Reservations, Events, & Technical Services for information on approved advertising, such as banner boards, posters, flyers, electronic marquee signs, and bus cards.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Tate Student Center Table Spaces are restricted to events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments or units) or registered student organizations, as well as events arranged by Governmental organizations or agencies. Commercial organizations conducting recruiting events and UGA community-sponsored events are not permitted to reserve table spaces.
Reservation requests are submitted online here. Facility requests (requiring no special equipment or personnel) should be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the date of the meeting or event. Requests for meetings or events requiring special equipment, personnel, services, or security must be submitted at least 12 business days in advance. Requests submitted after these time periods may be declined. If your reservation is approved a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to Tate Student Center staff (Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
If the University determines in its discretion that a sponsor has participated in such prohibited activities or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information, such sponsor, together with any individual or organization on whose behalf the sponsor is determined to have “fronted,” will have all reservation privileges (including existing future reservations) suspended for a 6-month (consecutive) period- not including summer or break periods.
Request for changes to your reservation can be made online at least 3 business days prior to your event. Our ability to accommodate your request is dependent on the availability of facilities, equipment or personnel.
Customers may cancel Table Space reservations 1 business day in advance by emailing the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services office OR by logging back into the reservation system. In the case of inclement weather, table space reservations may be canceled on the same day before 9am by emailing the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services office only. Requests to cancel after 9am may not be honored.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Organizations. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
Based on the nature of the event, security (i.e. security guards and/or UGA Police officers) may be required at the expense of the customer. Requests for security should be made through the CRETS office. Any requests made less than 10 business days will be subject to a $100 late fee.
Food can be served, however, food preparation is prohibited on premises unless conducted by a licensed caterer or approved in advance by the Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services staff.
The sponsoring organization is responsible for cleaning up after their event. Failure to leave the space as it was found may result in a clean-up fee.
Everyone using these spaces is responsible for ensuring that entrances and exits are free of obstructions and that wheelchair ramps and handrails are accessible. This includes placement of equipment, people, etc. Entrances and exits are not reservable spaces.
The following specifies the different types of table spaces available at the Tate Student Center. The aforementioned information is applicable to all spaces.
Outdoor Table Spaces at the Tate Student Center
Twenty four outdoor table spaces are available for rental at the Tate Student Center. Seven of these table spaces are located along the breezeway between the Tate Student Center and the University Bookstore. Another seven are located down the walkway in the Tate Promenade between Tate and the MLC. Another ten spaces are located along the perimeter of the Tate West Lawn. These spaces are available to be reserved Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The rental fee entitles an organization to one of the twenty four spaces, a 4 foot table and 2 chairs. One additional table and up to 2 chairs may be added for an additional cost. Any organization wishing to set anything on a table space other than tables and chairs must receive approval in advance. Due to safety reasons, the CRETS operation must supply all tables and chairs at the designated table space locations.
With the exception of limited availability on football game days, table spaces are not reservable on weekends. Outside companies may not reserve an outside table space.
Tate Plaza Table Spaces
Amplified sound policy: Amplified sound is not allowed at the Tate Plaza table spaces. Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services reserves the right to restrict/deny the use of or turn off any amplified sound system that interferes with the normal operations of the surrounding areas and buildings. Amplified Sound is defined as speakers of any size or type (including but not limited to bull horns, noise makers, blue tooth devises, cell phones/tablets, or any other form volume amplification).
Electrical access: Electrical outlets are available for use at 4 of the table spaces along Tate Plaza. If you will need access to an electrical outlet, please let the Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services staff know at the time you make your reservation.
Tate West Lawn and Tate Promenade Table Spaces
Amplified sound policy: Amplified sound is not allowed at the Tate Promenade table spaces or the Tate West Lawn table spaces due to the close proximity to the MLC classrooms.
Electrical access: There is no access to electricity at the Tate Promenade table spaces or the Tate West Lawn table spaces.
Indoor Table Spaces at the Tate Student Center
Five indoor table spaces are available for rental at the Tate Student Center. These table spaces are located along the 3rd floor corridor between the original building and the new addition. These spaces are available to be reserved Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The rental fee entitles an organization to one of the five spaces, a clothed 6 foot table and 2 chairs. Any organization wishing to set anything on a table space other than tables and chairs must receive approval in advance. Due to safety reasons, the CRETS operation must supply all tables and chairs at the designated table space locations.
Indoor table spaces are not available for rental on football game days.
Amplified sound policy: Amplified sound is not allowed at the indoor table spaces. Amplified Sound is defined as speakers of any size or type (including but not limited to bull horns, noise makers, blue tooth devises, cell phones/tablets, or any other form volume amplification).
Electrical access: Electrical access is available.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
(Tate Breezeway Banner Space, Tate Bridge Banner, Wooden Banner Board Space, Street Painting, Art Wall)
Space requests should be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the date of the meeting or event. Requests submitted after this time period may be declined. If your reservation is approved, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
To make changes to your event, log back into the reservations system at least 3 business days prior to your reservation.
Groups must cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the first day of the reservation. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all reservation charges or a penalty fee. A reservation may only be canceled by either sending an email to OR logging back into the reservation system and editing/canceling your reservation. Reservations may not be canceled by a phone call.
Payment for meetings or events sponsored by university departments or registered student organizations is generally due within 10 business days after the event. Based on the nature of the event or organization, the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff reserves the right to require advanced payment (full or partial) for some department or organization events. Payment must be made by the sponsoring organization or a university department. Departments or organizations with past due invoices will not be allowed to make future reservations until all delinquent amounts are paid in full, with the possibility of canceling existing reservations.
For your convenience, we accept payment by university chart string number, check, or credit card.
Tate Breezeway Banner Space
Four banner spaces are available for weekly rentals in the Tate Breezeway, located between the Tate Student Center and the University Bookstore. The rental fee is $ 35 per week for a maximum of two (2) weeks. If the banner is double-sided, you will need to reserve two breezeway banner spaces in order to display both sides of the banner.
All banners must include the sponsor’s name and the date of the event. No commercial advertising can appear on the banner. Banner dimensions must be a minimum of 3 feet by 5 feet or a maximum of 4 feet by 22 feet. Only professionally made banners will be hung (no painted bed sheets allowed).
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services cannot accept responsibility for stolen or damaged banners. The banner must be turned in to the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff by 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the first day of the reservation. Banners are hung and taken down on Mondays only. The banner must be picked up two (2) business days after the last day of the reservation. Banners not picked up will be discarded.
Tate Bridge Banner Space or Special Project
Two banner spaces are available for weekly rentals on the bridge between the Tate Student Center and the Miller Learning Center. The rental fee is $35 per week for a maximum of two (2) weeks. You may reserve either side of the bridge (facing Lumpkin St. or facing Sanford Dr.). Each side is reserved separately. You will need both bridge banner spaces in order to use both sides.
All banners must include the sponsor’s name. No commercial advertising can appear on the banner. Banner dimensions must be a minimum of 3 feet by 15 feet or a maximum of 7 feet by 22 feet. Please note that due to the size and height of the bridge, we highly recommend that all printing on the banner be as large as possible. Only professionally made banners will be hung (no painted bed sheets allowed).
Special projects may be displayed on the bridge. Special projects are defined as any other display other than a banner. Permission for a special project is granted by the Associate Director of Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services. The cost will vary anywhere from $35 a week to $70 a week depending on the size and scope of the project.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services cannot accept responsibility for stolen or damaged banners or projects. The banner(s) must be turned in to the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff by 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the first day of the reservation. Banners are hung and taken down on Mondays only. The banner must be picked up two (2) business days after the last day of the reservation. Banners not picked up will be discarded.
Banner Board Space
Ten wooden banner board spaces are available for rental. These banner boards are in various locations around the Tate Student Center, Memorial Hall, and the Physics Building. The cost of the rental is $4.00 per day.
Banner boards are available for rental Monday through Wednesday and Thursday through Sunday. An organization is limited to reserving two consecutive reservation periods. The fee for the banner board rental includes the use of the banner marker set with 19 basic colors and a six-foot piece of banner paper. Banners must be made in the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services office; the marker set cannot leave the office. Banner dimensions must be a minimum of 3 feet by 4 feet or a maximum of 6 feet by 4 feet.
Banners to be posted on Monday must be turned into the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff by 4:00 p.m. on Friday; those to be posted on Thursday must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
If the banner is submitted on the day it is scheduled to be put up, all charges still apply, and the banner will be hung as soon as possible.
All banners must include the sponsor’s name and the date of the event. No commercial advertising can appear on the banner.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services is not responsible for any wind, rain, or vandalism which may obscure or completely destroy a banner. We only guarantee posting banners during clement weather. No refunds will be made due to inclement weather, high winds, or vandalism.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services reserves the right to refuse the posting of any banner without guarantee of refund.
Art Wall
Reservation Requests
Requests must be submitted no later than one month prior to the first day of the exhibit. Reservations that are received less than one month prior to the date of the exhibit may be denied. Customers are limited to two reservations in a one year period (not to be consecutive periods). One or two displays may be hung on the Art Wall at the same time. You have the choice of reserving a half space or a full space at the time of your reservation. The reservation period is 2-week minimum & 30-day maximum. First & last days of reservation need to fall on weekdays so the Facilities staff is present to assist. Set up is to take place on the first day of the reservation. The exhibit is to be taken down by 5 p.m. on the last day of reservation.
Once the request is submitted, a consultation to discuss content, display, look and quality will be set up with the director of Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services. The customer is required to prepare a sample or idea of what the display will look like for the consultation meeting. Each picture in the display should be no smaller than 11X17. Samples of acceptable displays are available. Once the display is approved by the Associate Director of Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services, the customer will be required to meet with Facilities staff regarding the hanging of the display. The customer is responsible for hanging artwork on the cables provided. The artwork cannot be attached to the walls without prior approval from the facilities staff or the director of Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services. Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services reserves the right to refuse the posting of any exhibit due to content. Art Wall reservations run from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm every day except the following:
The first day of the reservation starts at 9 a.m.
The last day of the reservation ends at 5 p.m.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
(including the Miller Learning Center)
In October 2015, a new policy on centralized classroom and event scheduling was implemented. Click here to review the policy.
See below for guidance on who to contact for your specific space needs.
The Registrar’s Office:
Schedules instructional space for courses after the exclusivity period which is defined in the reference policy
Schedules instructional space for course-related events such as review sessions, final exams.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services:
Schedules space for events unrelated to specific courses.
The following groups may reserve academic classrooms for meetings and events provided the event does not conflict with the schedule of academic activities:
University Departments may request reservations for a particular semester based on the Centralized Scheduling priority system. Click here for dates.
Registered student organizations may request reservations for a particular semester one month prior to the first day of classes for that semester. In order to be eligible to reserve space, the student organization must be registered for the semester in which it is requesting space. Regular meetings (ie: weekly or bi-weekly meetings) held in the Miller Learning Center will be limited to 2 hours in duration. Meetings held in other academic classrooms may exceed 2 hours.
Governmental agencies may request reservations one month prior to the date of their event. Consists of events arranged by federal, state and local government agencies or organizations not affiliated with the University of Georgia.
UGA community-sponsored events, Weddings/Private Celebrations, Recruitment events, Other Individuals or Organizations are not permitted to reserve classroom facilities.
Academic classrooms are not available for individual study sessions, commercial solicitation, or private events (with the exception of MLC 205).
The University of Georgia reserves the right to prohibit the use of academic classrooms for any activity or program conflicting with the educational mission of the institution.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services has the right to limit how long and how often any particular sponsor can make reservations, particularly more popular academic buildings such as the Miller Learning Center. In the interest of allowing as many groups as possible access to the University’s facilities, Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services reserves the right to limit access of space for any reason in conjunction with the Centralized Scheduling Policy.
Reservation requests are submitted online at least 5 business days prior to your meeting or event. Requests for meetings or events requiring personnel (security, early building opening, etc.) should be submitted at least 12 business days prior to the event.
Requests submitted after these time periods may be denied. If your request is approved, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation containing the location of the event and other info from the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff.
This room is intended for the development and practice of academic class presentations. Failure to use the room for its intended purpose may result in the cancellation of your reservation and/or the charge of a usage fee for the use of the equipment. The person who completes the reservation request form assumes responsibility for assuring the appropriate use of the room and equipment.
The room may be reserved in Campus Reservations up to 4 weeks in advance.
Reservations may be scheduled for 2-hour time slots, limited to a total of 4 hours per calendar week (Sunday – Saturday). Groups or individuals may continue to use the room if another group does not have the room reserved afterward.
Please cancel your reservation in Campus Reservations if you do not need to use the room. This will allow other students to use it. Failing to cancel a reservation may result in your inability to reserve the room in the future.
The Center for Teaching & Learning will schedule a technician to provide access to and instruction on the use of the audio-visual equipment. Because the technician will meet you in the room at the time of your reservation, please be prompt in arriving to use the room.
Please specify in your request if you will be needing access to A/V. Audio-visual equipment is not available for use in all academic classrooms. For details on equipment availability please contact the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff.
Groups requesting to cancel the usage of AV equipment and all associated charges with AV usage, must be cancelled in advance of the event date via email. Groups that do not cancel and request AV usage are subject to applicable charges.
You will be required to send us proof that you have obtained the licenses for any movies or content that you will be showing during your event 10 business days prior to the start of the event. You can visit a licensing agent, such as, to purchase these licenses if you do not already have them. Please note that we do have DVD players in the rooms. Failure to obtain the necessary documentation could result in the cancellation of your event.
Please help us keep our facilities clean, safe and ready for class by following these guidelines:
No alcohol, tobacco products, open flame or non-service animals in the classrooms.
Light food is permitted in the classrooms. When serving food, please serve drinks in spill-proof containers.
Clean up after yourselves and your guests. A fee will be charged if cleaning is required.
Do not alter the facilities in any way. Please, no nails, screws, staples, tacks, non-removable tape, glue or paint on any part of the facility, fixtures, furnishings or equipment. Please do not remove any furnishings or equipment from the room.
Based on the nature of the event, security (i.e. security guards and/or UGA Police officers) may be required at the expense of the customer. Requests for security should be made through the CRETS office. Any requests made less than 10 business days will be subject to a $100 late fee.
Groups must cancel reservations for rooms and all associated AV/furniture charges they will not use in advance by email. Groups failing to cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event will be responsible for all event charges or a penalty fee. A reservation may only be canceled by either sending an email to Reservations may not be canceled by a phone call.
University departments – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Facility reservations requested by a university department must be paid for by that department or another university department. Providing a university chart string constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Registered student organizations – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services reserves the right to require advance payment (full or partial) for events sponsored by organizations that are temporary in nature (ie: political campaign organizations) or events requiring the contracting of non-university services. Facility reservations requested by a registered student organization must be paid for by that student organization or by a university department. Providing a university chart string constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Non-university organizations – Payment for facility reservations is due prior to confirmation of that reservation. For your convenience, we accept payment by check or debit/credit card. Sponsors with past due invoices will not be allowed to reserve facilities until all delinquent amounts are paid in full. Failure to pay in a timely manner may also result in the cancellation of existing reservations.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Herty Field, President’s Club Garden (behind Old College), New College Lawn, DW Brooks Mall, the Jaworski Amphitheater, Parade Grounds, Royal Square, and Scott Lawn
Reservation requests are submitted online at least 5 business days prior to your meeting or event. Requests submitted after this time period may be denied. If your request is approved, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you. Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services.
Users must cancel reservations for facilities they will not use. Users failing to cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event will be responsible for all event charges or a penalty fee. A reservation may only be canceled by either sending an email to OR logging back into the reservation system and editing/canceling your reservation. Reservations may not be canceled by a phone call.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to Tate Student Center staff (Campus Reservations, Events, & Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
If the University determines in its discretion that a sponsor has participated in such prohibited activities or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information, such sponsor, together with any individual or organization on whose behalf the sponsor is determined to have “fronted,” will have all reservation privileges (including existing future reservations) suspended for a 6-month (consecutive) period- not including summer or break periods.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their website.
University departments – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Facility reservations requested by a university department must be paid for by that department or another university department. Providing a university chart string constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Registered student organizations – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Campus Reservations, Events, & Technical Services reserves the right to require advance payment (full or partial) for events sponsored by organizations that are temporary in nature (ie: political campaign organizations) or events requiring the contracting of non-university services. Facility reservations requested by a registered student organization must be paid for by that student organization or by a university department. Providing a university chart string constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Non-university organizations (including UGA community-sponsored events) – Payment for facility reservations is due prior to confirmation of that reservation.
For your convenience, we accept payment by University chart string, check or debit/credit card. Sponsors with past due invoices will not be allowed to reserve facilities until all delinquent amounts are paid in full. Failure to pay in a timely manner may also result in the cancellation of existing reservations. Checks should be made payable to the University of Georgia.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services is not able to provide equipment for the outdoor spaces. University departments can contact Facilities Management directly to make arrangements for equipment. All other groups should arrange for additional equipment with off-campus rental centers. Regardless of where you get your equipment, please check with the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services staff to ensure enough time has been set aside for the delivery and pick up of the equipment.
Please note, dance floors are prohibited due to the damage they do to the lawn.
The use of tents, if handled inappropriately, can be very damaging on our outdoor spaces…both through installation damage as well as through the blockage of sun and water from reaching the turf. Please observe the following guidelines when using tents in outdoor spaces.
Small pop-up tents are permitted on outdoor spaces (tabling locations excluded).
Larger tents are permitted, but may only be supported by water barrels or concrete supports. Staking is not allowed at any time.
If a vendor is used to supply and install a tent, you must be responsible for communicating all the guidelines for delivery and installation with your vendor.
Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services will work with you and your vendor for delivery and pick up of your tent. Please note that due to the size of your tent, you may be required to reserve the space additional days to accommodate the delivery and pick up schedule. Associated fees for additional days will apply.
Food is allowed in the outdoor spaces, but the space must be left trash free and undamaged. The guidelines below are designed to protect the grass from heat and hot liquids.
Cookers and grills are to be set on the gravel paths around the field.
Hot liquids are to be transported off premises for disposal.
Clean up after yourselves and your guests. Garbage is to be removed from the premises after the event ends.
Alcohol is allowed in outdoor spaces. Please familiarize yourself with the University’s alcohol policy. Although these guidelines are specifically written for university units, visitors to our campus are expected to follow them as well. A signed alcohol policy form that you will receive from our staff, must be returned to our office as soon as possible or no later than 1 week prior to the event. Student Organizations may not have alcohol at any event located on an outdoor space. The University has the right to deny the use of alcohol at any event for any reason.
Please help us maintain the beauty and safety of our outdoor spaces by following these guidelines. A fee may be charged if cleaning or repair is required.
Keep all sidewalks free of obstructions and make sure wheelchair ramps are accessible.
In areas with fountains, please do not put anything in the fountain.
The use of confetti is prohibited on UGA grounds.
Here are some confetti alternatives to use during your event:
Flower petals: Flower or rose petal confetti is a great alternative to paper or plastic confetti that will make for absolutely gorgeous photos while also keeping our campus clean.
Plant or birdseeds: Seeds are an eco-friendly option that can either lead to more flowers being planted or provide a snack for local birds.
Vanishing confetti: You can take the DIY route by creating this vanishing confetti that disappears when it gets wet.
Amplified sound is only allowed in these areas after 9 pm on weekdays and before 11 pm on weekends. Sound reinforcement of live music may not include subwoofers, long throw speakers, woofers larger than 15 inches, or heavy percussion including large drums and heavy bass. Bands or concert-style events are no longer permitted on Herty Field due to the close proximity of Downtown Athens. Events of this nature are better suited for Legion Field.
Based on the nature of the event, security (i.e. security guards and/or UGA Police officers) may be required at the expense of the customer. Requests for security should be made through the CRETS office. Any requests made less than 10 business days will be subject to a $100 late fee.
You will be required to send us proof that you have obtained the licenses for any movies or content that you will be showing during your event 10 business days prior to the start of the event. You can visit a licensing agent, such as, to purchase these licenses if you do not already have them. Failure to obtain the necessary documentation could result in the cancellation of your event.
The outdoor spaces do not have bathrooms. It is a good idea to arrange to have a port-a-john(s) on hand. Bathroom trailers are prohibited.
Parking is extremely limited in these areas. Please refer to the campus parking map and advise your guests in advance of their parking options. Questions concerning parking should be directed to Parking Services at 706-542-7275.
Failure to comply with University policies or Federal, State and local law may result in the cancellation of future reservations and/or restriction from the use of academic classrooms. Discrimination in the use of these facilities regarding disability, race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Legion Field is a large outdoor multipurpose facility that can accommodate up to 3,200 people. The rental fee includes the use of the field, 4 access gates, access to power, and a 30′ x 50′ covered stage with sound wings. Additional costs may apply depending on the security and equipment needs of your event.
*Legion Field does not come set with technical, sound or lighting equipment. You will need to meet with a technical event manager and can be outsourced for additional fees.
Reservation requests are submitted on-line a minimum of 2 months prior to your event. Requests submitted after this time period may be denied. If your request is approved, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you. Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services.
The organization must meet with the CRETS staff no later than 30 days prior to the event to discuss the technical and personnel needs of the event. Charges will be determined at this meeting.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to Tate Student Center staff (Campus Reservations, Events, & Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
If the University determines in its discretion that a sponsor has participated in such prohibited activities or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information, such sponsor, together with any individual or organization on whose behalf the sponsor is determined to have “fronted,” will have all reservation privileges (including existing future reservations) suspended for a 6-month (consecutive) period- not including summer or break periods.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
University departments – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Facility reservations requested by a university department must be paid for by that department or another university department. Providing a university chart string number constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Registered student organizations – Payment of rental fees is due no later than 10 business days after the event. Campus Reservations, Events, & Technical Services reserves the right to require advance payment (full or partial) for events sponsored by organizations that are temporary in nature (ie: political campaign organizations) or events requiring the contracting of non-university services. Facility reservations requested by a registered student organization must be paid for by that student organization or by a university department. Providing a university chart string number constitutes payment of the reservation assuming there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the rental charges.
Non-university organizations (including UGA community-sponsored events) – Payment for facility reservations is due prior to confirmation of that reservation.
For your convenience, we accept payment by University account number, check or debit/credit card. Sponsors with past due invoices will not be allowed to reserve facilities until all delinquent amounts are paid in full. Failure to pay in a timely manner may also result in the cancellation of existing reservations.
Based on the nature of the event, security (i.e. security guards and/or UGA Police officers) may be required at the expense of the customer. Requests for security should be made through the CRETS office. Any requests made less than 10 business days will be subject to a $100 late fee. UGA Police has the right to determine the number of officers needed at any event. UGA Police has the right to approve or deny any event.
Alcohol is allowed in the outdoor spaces. Please familiarize yourself with the University’s alcohol policy. Although these guidelines are specifically written for university units, visitors to our campus are expected to follow them as well. A signed alcohol policy form that you will receive from our staff, must be returned to our office as soon as possible or no later than 1 week prior to the event. Student Organizations may not have alcohol at any event located on an outdoor space. The University has the right to deny the use of alcohol at any event for any reason.
Reservations for Legion Field must be canceled at least five (5) business days in advance. Depending on the scope of the event, must be canceled at least ten (10) days in advance. Organizations failing to cancel reservations within this time period could be responsible for all event charges. In the case of inclement weather, the sponsoring organization will only be charged for the services and personnel that were ordered, and the facility usage fee will be waived. Generally, the earlier the event is canceled, the lower the charge incurred.
Cancellation based on inclement weather will be assessed starting the week prior to the event. The weather assessment will be made based on, and not limited to, severe weather, tornado or electrical activity, safety of the guests/artists, contractual agreements with vendors, etc. Any charges for a weather cancellation will determined based on the point of cancellation and contractual agreements. Backup location not included with reservation and must be reserved separately.
You will be required to send us proof that you have obtained the licenses for any movies or content that you will be showing during your event 10 business days prior to the start of the event. You can visit a licensing agent, such as, to purchase these licenses if you do not already have them. Failure to obtain the necessary documentation could result in the cancellation of your event
Details regarding event management staffing and staffing charges will be discussed during the initial CRETS meeting.
A Field Manager must be present during all Legion Field events for an additional charge. A professional staff member is required to be present for larger events for an additional charge. Please meet with the Field Manager upon your arrival at Legion Field the day of the event.
Standard Requirements for All Events
Any damage to the field may result in additional charges.
Alcoholic beverages (without a signed Alcohol Policy) and glass containers are not allowed on Legion Field.
Driving or parking is not allowed on the grass section of the field. Driving on the field must be confined to the concrete path for loading and unloading. Vehicles must then be moved to an appropriate parking space.
Staking is not allowed unless prior approval is given though the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services office. Notification and permission must be given to the CRETS office no later than 2 week prior to the event date. If staking is done without prior permission and damage is done to the field or the underground cabling systems, additional charges may apply. The customer is responsible for ensuring that outside vendors that may be suppling tents, inflatables, a ferris wheel, etc. follow the proper guidelines for staking.
The sponsoring organization is expected to leave the field clean of trash and debris. Trash cans will be provided by the Field Manager. Failure to clean up after the event will result in a cleanup fee.
Any event with amplified sound must end by 11:00 p.m. Amplified sound cannot begin before 4:00 p.m. on weekdays unless approved in advance.
Load-in and load-out of equipment must be coordinated with the CRETS staff.
Table rentals can be discussed during the initial CRETS meeting.
Additional Requirements
Based on the nature of the event, there may be additional requirements that the customer would need to fulfill. This should give the customer an idea of what additional guidelines may be needed to secure the event. These items will be determined once you meet with an Event Coordinator.
Based on the nature of the event, you may be required to meet with a safety official from the University (Fire safety, police, etc.)
Volunteers from your organization may be required to monitor each entrance gate. This is required for larger events. Depending on the nature of your event, wristband and checking ID’s will be required
Those events contracting with an outside entertainment company will need to follow additional guidelines:
Any binding contract will be run through proper legal channels
Any rider will need to be assessed by the Senior Coordinator of Technical Services prior to obtaining signatures
Liability insurance may be required. Proof of insurance is required, but not limited to outside vendors who supply inflatables, a ferris wheels, etc.
Field lighting will be required for any event that is after dark. CRETS staff will be responsible for contracting a third party vendor for safety lighting. Field lighting will be rented through the CRETS office and the rental price will added to the invoice
Some concert style events may require the rental of barricades for the front of the stage area. Barricades can be rented through the CRETS office and the rental price will be added to the invoice
Setting up and managing a bag check area may be required
Touring vehicles and bus parking must be coordinated with the CRETS staff
The Green Room in the Tate Student Center is available to rent for performing artists
Any parking needs will need to be reserved through Parking Services.
Legion Field and Legion Pool are separate facilities. Entering the pool area is prohibited during field events. The two facilities do, however, share restrooms. Restrooms can be accessed from the field through the back of the pool house. Portable restrooms, or “porta-potties,” may be required with your Legion Field reservation. The appropriate number of porta-potties and pricing will be determined at your pre-event logistics meeting with the CRETS staff. Porta-potties can be rented through the CRETS office and the rental price will be added to the invoice.
Other charges: | |
Port-a-Potties: | $125.00 each for the length of the rental |
Security: | $37.00/hr, 4 hr minimum, per officer |
Parking lot clean up: | $150.00 (Facilities Management charge) may be required for larger events |
Night-time/Safety/Field Lighting: | $550.00 for two lights minimum |
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
The primary purpose of the Miller Learning Center (MLC) group study rooms is to provide students with a private space for small group collaboration, research and study. When designing the MLC, the UGA Libraries, EITS, and CTL made a conscious decision to have a “no reservations”, “first come, first-served” policy for group study rooms. The main consideration behind this policy is to make the study rooms as accessible as possible for all students. Any reservations policy would inevitably get bogged down in ‘no shows’, ‘late shows’ and ‘extended stays’. Our limited staff would be hard put to monitor ninety six (96) rooms while fulfilling their primary duty to provide research and computer assistance to patrons.
The “no reservations” policy for the group study rooms has one exception. At the specific request of the Office of the Vice President for Instruction, group study rooms can be reserved during classroom hours specifically for the purpose of providing classroom “breakout session” space. A classroom breakout session is defined as a teaching model whereby students in a large class are divided into smaller groups during the scheduled class to work on a specific class activity. Twenty (20) of the Miller Learning Center’s group study rooms have been designated for this purpose during classroom hours.
With such a wonderful academic learning space for our campus it is not surprising that we have received requests to reserve the MLC group study rooms for such activities as student/faculty review sessions, classroom study groups, small committee meetings, and informal “office hours” for faculty to meet with small groups of students. Although we can’t reserve space for these activities, we still invite you to use the MLC for such purposes. Many people indicate a space or wing where students or colleagues can find them and then look for an available group study room in which to meet. During normal business hours it is rare to find all the group study rooms in use.
Campus Reservations has responsibility for scheduling group study rooms following the usual general classroom reservation process. Requests to reserve a group study room (s) may be made at the beginning of each semester or anytime during the semester up to 24 hours before the time the room is needed.
The group study rooms will not be locked. Each group study room has a prominent sign explaining the reservation policy for class breakout sessions. The reserving instructor or designee has the responsibility to ask the occupants of the room to vacate.
Group Study Rooms Designated for Breakout Sessions
Room Number | Number of seats |
204 | 10 | East Wing |
278 | 10 | West Wing |
341 | 10 | Rotunda |
343 | 10 | Rotunda |
345 | 10 | Rotunda |
351 | 10 | Rotunda |
353 | 10 | Rotunda |
355 | 10 | Rotunda |
441 | 10 | Rotunda |
442 | 8 | Rotunda |
443 | 10 | Rotunda |
444 | 8 | Rotunda |
445 | 10 | Rotunda |
446 | 8 | Rotunda |
451 | 10 | Rotunda |
452 | 8 | Rotunda |
453 | 10 | Rotunda |
454 | 8 | Rotunda |
455 | 10 | Rotunda |
456 | 8 | Rotunda |
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
There has been a growing need for a space equipped with audio-visual equipment in which students can rehearse presentations or develop group projects for their classes. The UGA Libraries, the Center for Teaching & Learning, and Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services have partnered to offer this service to students. When not in use by scheduled classes, room 205 in the Miller Learning Center may be reserved by individual students or groups of students for this purpose.
This room is intended for the development and practice of academic class presentations. Failure to use the room for its intended purpose may result in the cancellation of your reservation and/or the charge of a usage fee for the use of the equipment. The person who completes the reservation request form assumes responsibility for assuring the appropriate use of the room and equipment.
The room may be reserved in Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services up to 4 weeks in advance. Walk-in requests are discouraged.
Reservations may be scheduled for 2 hour time slots, limited to a total of 4 hours per calendar week (Sunday – Saturday). Groups or individuals may continue to use the room if another group does not have the room reserved afterwards.
Please cancel your reservation in Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services if you do not need to use the room. This will allow other students to use it. Failing to cancel a reservation may result in your inability to reserve the room in the future.
The Center for Teaching & Learning will schedule a technician to provide access to and instruction on the use of the audio-visual equipment. Because the technician will meet you in the room at the time of your reservation, please be prompt in arriving to use the room.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
The University Chapel is restricted to events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments or units) or registered student organizations, as well as UGA community-sponsored events and events arranged by Governmental organizations or agencies, celebrations, such as weddings, memorial services and commercial organizations conducting recruiting events.
The University Chapel cannot be reserved for ongoing, regularly scheduled academic classes, individual study sessions or for purposes of commercial solicitation.
Reservation requests must submitted at least 12 days before your event in order to ensure setup and staffing needs. Requests submitted after these time periods may be declined.
If your reservation is approved a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services.
Set-up information for the Chapel should be submitted to the appropriate Event Coordinator no later than 6 business days prior to the event. Set up requests submitted after this time period may be declined.
The Chapel has a total of 433 built-in seats with 336 seats on the lower level and 97 seats on the balcony.
The Yamaha Grand Piano on the stage may be utilized for events as long as a pianist is provided by the customer. The piano cannot leave the stage.
On the day of the event, the sponsoring organization is responsible for ensuring entrances and exits are free from obstructions
A staff member from the Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services office must be present while the building is occupied. They will also unlock the building and then secure it at the conclusion of the event. Direct all questions about lights, sound, and equipment to the staff member on duty at the Chapel. This representative will be responsible for making sure all AV equipment is properly turned on and connected for use by the User. Please bring your own laptop and adapters for the projection equipment.
Sponsors must cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all event charges or a penalty fee.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
Due to the historic nature of the UGA Chapel, use of items, equipment, or props that could cause damage to the facility, flooring, etc., are prohibited.
The following conditions are strictly enforced at the Chapel:
No alcoholic beverages
No smoking
No pets
No helium balloons
No decorations on the walls inside or outside
No rice, bird seed, confetti, or bubbles inside or outside
No candles are allowed inside the Chapel. If use of candles occurs the event may be shut down
No nails, screws, staples, tacks, tape, glue, putty, paint or any other adhesives or fasteners on inside or outside walls, doors, windows, ceilings, floors, furnishings, or fixtures
No food or beverages inside or outside.
All events and clean-up must conclude by 11:00 pm on any night. The User is responsible for clean- up of the premises, as well as the removal following the event of all equipment, decorations, and furnishings brought to the Chapel unless otherwise arranged with Campus Reservations in advance. An extra fee may be assessed if the scheduled time limit is exceeded.
The User will be held liable for any loss, theft, or damage to the Chapel’s grounds, furnishings, or equipment that occurs as a result of the use. In case of such loss, theft, or damage to the Chapel’s furnishings or equipment, the cost of replacement of any item will be charged to the User.
For any special parking needs or requests, contact Parking Services at 542-7275.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Quarters A is restricted to events arranged by the University (including colleges, departments or units) or registered student organizations, as well as UGA community-sponsored events and events arranged by Governmental organizations or agencies, celebrations, such as weddings, and commercial organizations conducting recruiting events.
Quarters A cannot be reserved for ongoing, regularly scheduled academic classes, individual study sessions or for purposes of commercial solicitation.
Reservation requests must submitted at least 12 days before your event in order to ensure setup and staffing needs. Requests submitted after these time periods may be declined.
If your reservation is approved a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.
Please remember your reservation is not final and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services.
The unit, individual or organization indicated as the sponsor on a reservation request assumes all responsibility for the accuracy & veracity of the information presented to the Quarters A staff (Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services) regarding the reservation request and related event. Sponsors are not permitted to: (i) reserve space on behalf of other individuals or organizations (other than in the case of a UGA community-sponsored event, in which case the requesting University student or employee will clearly indicate the individual or organization being sponsored and will remain ultimately liable for the event), (ii) transfer reservations to another organization or individual, or (iii) sublet Tate Student Center or Memorial Hall facilities.
If the University determines in its discretion that a sponsor has participated in such prohibited activities or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information, such sponsor, together with any individual or organization on whose behalf the sponsor is determined to have “fronted,” will have all reservation privileges (including existing future reservations) suspended for a 6-month (consecutive) period- not including summer or break periods.
Request for changes to your reservation can be made online at least 12 business days prior to your event. Our ability to accommodate your request is dependent on the availability of facilities, equipment or personnel.
Use of University facilities for fundraising or solicitation purposes are subject to specific Board of Regents policies and must be approved by the appropriate office (see below). Fundraising or solicitation activities include but are not limited to selling any item or service, promotion of a commercial product or service, charging admission to an event, and taking donations for charity.
Registered Student Organizations – Solicitation approval is handled by the Center for Student Activities and Involvement. Please refer to their web site for policies. A solicitation request can also be submitted on this site. Requests should be submitted online at least 10 business days prior to the event.
University Departments – Solicitation approval is handled by Vending Services. For policies and contact information, please refer to their web site.
Please familiarize yourself with the university’s alcohol policy. Although these guidelines are specifically written for university units, visitors to our campus are expected to follow them as well. A signed alcohol policy form that you will receive from our staff, must be returned to our office as soon as possible or no later than 15 business days prior to the event. The University has the right to deny the use of alcohol at any event for any reason.
Sponsors must cancel reservations at least 3 business days prior to the event. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all event charges or a penalty fee.
The spaces in Quarters A are set to the sponsor’s specifications as long as the requested equipment is available and the reserved facility will accommodate the requested set-up.
Set-up information for meeting rooms and event spaces should be submitted to the appropriate Event Coordinator no later than 6 business days prior to the event. Set up requests submitted after this time period may be declined.
On the day of the event, the sponsoring organization is responsible for ensuring entrances and exits are free from obstructions.
You will have access to a portable projector and a portable screen. Please note that we do require that you bring your own laptop and adapters. Our portable projection system can operate with VGA or HDMI ports.
A Bluetooth speaker is available and can be requested through your event coordinator. WiFi is also available. The password for the WiFi will be given at the time of confirmation.
Food is allowed in Quarters A, but the room must be left clean and trash free. A Facilities Management Division cleaning fee will be assessed for meals or receptions. Smaller food events will be charged a FMD cleaning fee if the room is not left clean by the sponsor.
Customers may use any caterer of their choice.
The following items are prohibited in Quarters A: tobacco products, microwaves, any open flame, and animals (except service animals).
Anything that can damage the facilities, including, but not limited to, tacking/nailing, painting, taping, gluing, confetti and glitter, is prohibited. Please discuss decorating ideas with your event coordinator prior to your event.
All events and clean-up must conclude by 11:00 pm on any night. The sponsoring organization or individual is responsible for leaving the facilities they use clean and without damage. The sponsoring organization or individual will be charged for any damage occurring to facilities and equipment during their reservation. Additional clean-up of a facility after an event will result in a clean-up fee.
For any special parking needs or requests, contact Parking Services at 542-7275.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities. Discrimination in the use of these facilities because of disability, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
Programs and Activities Serving Minors
1. Institutional Policy. If Permit Holder operates a program or activity that provides for the care, custody, or control of minors, Permit Holder shall be governed by and comply with all requirements of the Institution’s Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors. Such requirements include but are not necessarily limited to those listed below.
2. Duty of Care. Permit Holder shall operate such program/activity in a reasonably safe manner.
3. Forms. Permit Holder shall use all appropriate forms related the operation of the program/activity, which may include but are not necessarily limited to the following forms: parental consent, participant conduct agreement, medical information and release, medical treatment authorization, medical authorization to administer medication, media release, pickup authorization, and others.
4. Code of Conduct. Permit Holder shall require program/activity staff, including volunteers, to abide by a staff code of conduct.
5. Criminal Background Checks. Permit Holder shall properly screen and conduct criminal history background checks, including screening via the National Sex Offender Registry, on all employees, volunteers, counselors, chaperones and others who are reasonably anticipated to have direct contact or interaction minor participants. Permit Holder shall certify that that the background checks will, at a minimum, satisfy the requirements of the Institution’s Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual (HRAP). Permit Holder shall notify and require all individuals who have undergone a background check to self-report any arrest, charge, or criminal conviction occurring after the date of the background check to the Permit Holder prior to returning to a Program/Activity. Personnel in charge of screening volunteers should be aware of the inherent limitations of background checks and should seek to utilize other screening methods, when possible, in addition to background checks to include in-person interviews and reference checks. Permit Holder shall, prior to the beginning of the Time of Use, provide to the Institution a certification that it has performed background checks in a manner consistent with the requirements above.
6. Supervision. Every minor participant must be properly supervised at all times while participating in the program/activity. Permit Holder certifies that there will be appropriate supervision and that there will be an appropriate participant-to-supervisor ratio, which may vary depending on the age of the participants, the nature of the activity, and whether the program has an overnight component. Please refer to the American Camp Association guidelines for supervision ratios (
7. Training. Permit Holder shall provide training to all program/activity staff and volunteers assisting with the program/activity that addresses mandatory reporting requirements, appropriate contact with minors, safety and security procedures, and response protocols for injury / illness, staff misconduct, and participant misconduct.
8. Safety and Security. Permit Holder agrees to ensure the safety and protection of program participants and to establish protocols for reporting injuries, staff misconduct, participant misconduct, and procedures for secure pickup and drop-off of program participants. Permit Holder agrees to establish security measures (e.g., where to meet and where to go if lost, responses and protocols for weather alerts, accidents, missing persons, etc.), and to communicate those measures to program participants and parents/guardians.
9. Reporting Obligations. Criminal activity should be reported immediately to the University of Georgia Police Department (UGAPD): 911(emergency) or 706-542-2200. Campus law enforcement professionals can assess the situation and determine what other notifications or actions, if any, is necessary.
10. Known or Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors. If Permit Holder and/or any of its employees, volunteers, or other agents or any other authorized adult present at the program/activity know, suspect, or receive information providing reasonable cause to believe that a minor has been abused or neglected, or if Permit Holder or such other individuals have other concerns regarding a minor’s safety, Permit Holder or such other individual must report the situation immediately to the UGAPD and to the Georgia Department of Human Services (and/or the Division of Children and Family Services) by calling 911(emergency) or 706-542-2200, and 1-855-GACHILD (422-4453), as required by Georgia law. Permit Holder hereby acknowledges its understanding of this reporting requirement for known or suspected abuse or neglect of minors.
11. Registration. Permit Holder shall register its program/activity at: .
12. Responsibility. Permit Holder is responsible for reviewing and understanding all of the requirements of the Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors. Failure to abide by Institution’s Policy may result in revocation of the Permit and/or a potential barring from future use of Institution’s facilities as determined by Institution in its sole discretion.
The full policy is available here.
The following guidelines have been adopted to govern events where alcoholic beverages are served or provided on University of Georgia property. These guidelines apply to all events at the Tate Student Center regardless of whether the event is sponsored by a University unit, external entity, or private individual. Strict adherence to these guidelines is required.
These guidelines are in compliance with the University of Georgia policy regarding alcoholic beverages. Further information regarding these policy guidelines concerning the serving or providing of alcohol on campus can be found on the Provost’s website.
Check Identification. Alcoholic beverages must not be provided or served to persons below the legal drinking age. The legal drinking age in Georgia is 21. Therefore, the sponsoring University unit or University official, agent, or employee must check for proper identification before serving any alcoholic beverage, and must reject any questionable forms of identification.
Refuse to Serve Intoxicated Guests. If a participant or guest appears intoxicated, the sponsoring University unit or University official, agent, or employee must not serve any additional alcohol to that person. Furthermore, a reasonable effort should be made to arrange a safe trip home.
Provide Non-Alcoholic Beverages. The sponsoring University unit or University official, agents, or employee should provide plenty of non-alcoholic beverages so as to avoid the problem of “forcing” guests to drink alcoholic beverages because there is nothing else to drink. There needs to be parity between the quantity and variety of nonalcoholic beverages.
Serve Food. When alcohol is served or provided at a lunch, dinner, or reception, there needs to be plenty of food available.
Do Not Permit Self-Service of Alcoholic Beverages. The sponsoring University unit or University official, agent, or employee should use staff members or hired bartenders to serve alcoholic beverages in order to limit the size and number of drinks being served and to spot those who may be intoxicated. Where the function involves a sit-down meal at which alcohol is served, waiters and waitresses should be instructed to ask before automatically refilling wine or liquor glasses.
Restrict Alcoholic Beverages to a Controlled Area. The sponsoring University unit or University official, agent, or employee must take adequate steps to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not brought outside the predetermined boundaries for the event. All alcoholic beverages should be consumed or disposed of by all guests or participants before they leave the premises.
Limit or Eliminate References to Alcoholic Beverages in Advertisements. Advertisements or invitations to University events where alcoholic beverages are being served should emphasize the nature of the event, and not the alcoholic beverages. Keep references to the type and quantity of alcoholic beverages to be served out of promotional material.
revised August 13, 2014